
The coronavirus is still spreading all over the world. The Swiss government as well as the governments of other countries in the affected areas have decided on drastic measures for individuals and companies, which will have legal consequences in economic interaction. This affects both company employees and business relations, especially cross-border trade and supply chains.

An escrow account is often used to mitigate risks in critical financial transactions. INOLAWYER’s independent Experts are able to act as escrow agents, holding assets on behalf of you while a transaction is being finalized.

Many companies from the industrial and manufacturing sectors currently face similar challenges stemming from the digital transformation. Your digital transformation not only shifts your business but also the legal landscape in which you operate.

INOLAWYER’s independent Experts act for a diverse range of clients across the (digital) financial services sector ranging from individuals, start-up’s, businesses utilizing Blockchain technologies to investment funds and banks. If you are seeking for legal advice combined with profound knowledge of technology, the regulatory environment and market practice, INOLAWYER's independent Experts are your first point of contact.

INOLAWYER's independent private client Experts advise private clients and their families on all matters relating to matrimonial property and succession law, including domestic and international estate planning, estate administration and executorships.

The change in the legal profession is likely to be profound due to the increasing pace of technological development. Law firms today have to make decisions about how to position themselves in the new environment. Especially small and medium size firms must prepare now so they are not left behind.
Today’s emerging technologies always interplay between technology, science and law. Our unique combination of IT and legal Experts under one roof guide your project, be it based on Blockchain or other technology, from the beginning to its success.

If you are facing charges for any kind of financial crime, you need to make sure your case is handled properly. Defending a clients’ interests not only requires a sound knowledge of criminal law but also a comprehensive understanding of the commercial background.
Digital transformation has become imperative for all businesses, regardless of their seize. Our unparalleled combination of IT and legal Experts under one roof guide your project from the beginning to its success.

Competition law affects virtually every business. High penalties are regularly imposed by regulators for non-compliance with applicable competition laws. INOLAWYER's independent Experts will ensure that your organization remains fully compliant with applicable antitrust and competition laws.

INOLAWYER’s independent Experts work together with experienced notaries in every Swiss canton. They are able to swiftly guide you in complex notarial matters, such as inheritance and nuptial agreements, transfer of real estate as well as establishment of mortgages.

Preparing for the future, for the possibility of a loss of capacity or death, is often a daunting prospect. Estate planning doesn't begin and end with a last will and testament.

The success of an M&A transaction largely depends on how professionally it is conducted. INOLAWYER's independent Experts support companies in Switzerland and abroad with tailor-made solutions for succession arrangements, company sale, mergers and management buyouts.

INOLAWYER’s Experts provide advice through the whole legal lifespan of a business. Beginning with the incorporation and management of all legal entities that are available in Switzerland, to any type of commercial arrangement that might be relevant during the term of business.

When financial distress threatens a business and when bankruptcy, restructuring, or insolvency appears, swiftly securing a client’s financial interests is our top priority. INOLAWYER's Experts advise all parties involved with regard to Swiss insolvency, bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings.

From finding an opportunity to acquiring a property; from planning to construction and outfitting; from financing the project to disposing of the property for investment purposes, the stakes are high.

The first line of defense against disputes is to prevent them happening in the first place. To help you avoid disputes, INOLAWYER’s Experts will identify potential risks then recommend the actions and contract structures most likely to make your transaction run smoothly.

Our independent Experts in employment law possess the necessary skills clients need when dealing with any kind of employment-related or immigration issue.

Construction activity in Switzerland remains at a high level. The number of public and private construction projects has increased steadily over recent years.

From simple lending structures to complex regulatory regimes, our Experts in banking and finance help borrowers and lenders to navigate the often complex legal frameworks that underlay borrowing and lending in the global economy.