Technology & Law
Today’s emerging technologies always interplay between technology, science and law. Our unique combination of IT and legal Experts under one roof guide your project, be it based on Blockchain or other technology, from the beginning to its success.
Unique combination of IT and legal Experts to support your digital strategy
Today’s emerging technologies always interplay between technology, science and law. Whether you are a high-tech startup with a focus on Cryptocurrency or Blockchain technology or an established player inventing a new service line that includes emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence or roboadvice, technology always has a bearing on the legal system. As your emerging project becomes a success it might even challenge the traditional legal categories and qualifications, that can expose your business strategy to higher risk. Our unique combination of IT and legal Experts under one roof guide your project from the beginning to its success. INOLAWYER’s independent Experts help your technology and science project to grow.
Escrow-based IT-Delivery Assurance
Disputes over failed software implementation projects raise interlinked technical and legal issues that are complex, costly, and time-consuming to unravel and they may even hinder the success of a startup. With our unique, Escrow-based IT-Delivery Assurance, INOLAWYER’s independent Experts make sure that IT deliveries are meeting your expectations before any money is transferred to the supplier, hence with reducing both parties' risks for future legal actions.
Able to solve technical and legal challenges
INOLAWYER’s unique, interdisciplinary practice is able to analyze emerging developments in technology, science and law, including such areas as Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, ICO's, e-commerce and contractual developments related to digitization.
Advice for private individuals and corporations of any size across various industries
INOLAWYER's Experts serve private individuals and companies of any size across various industries. The diversity of our independent Experts combined with the latest technology will ensure we understand your challenge and can counsel you towards the best, most innovative solutions. Our way of working enables us to quickly onboard diversified and independent Experts to solve complex cases.
Simon Urbach
Urbach Law
Stavros Koutalas
Koutalas Law
Amelie Hoffmann
Urbach Law
Panayiotis Korakovounis
Koutalas Law