Meet our independent Lawyers
INOLAWYER's independent Experts possess an astute understanding of a range of industry sectors and find innovative legal solutions to match your needs.
Markus Schwingshackl
Centro LAW
Lawyer | Centro LAW
Lawyer (Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Austria)
Cornelia Diedrichsen
David Grimm
Advokatur Grimm
David Grimm | Rechtsanwalt - Advokatur Grimm
Katja Ziehe
goldbach law
Zulassung als Rechtsanwältin in der ganzen Schweiz
Sigmund Pugatsch
Rechtsanwälte Pugatsch
Rahel Müller
Patrick Betschart
THARPEX Treuhand- und Revisions AG
Tax Expert & Managing Partner
Certified Tax Expert in Switzerland & EU
Damian Mueller
Mueller Legal
Certified to practice law throughout Switzerland
Silja V. Meyer
Dominic Baumgartner
Hanspeter Kümin
advokatur Kümin
lic.iur., LL.M
Heinz Nussbaum
Sanuba Treuhand GmbH
Dipl. Steuerexperte, Buchhalter mit eidg. Fachausweis
Marcel Chevrolet
Chevrolet Consulting GmbH
Garance Barth
Jurisques Avocats.
Julius Paulicka
Marc André Schürch
Rechtsanwalt lic. iur.
André Kurz
lic. iur.
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt in der ganzen Schweiz
Christian Bärlocher
Heinz Bauer
Christandl & Partner
Florian Hödl
Rechtsanwaltskanzlei F. Hödl
Robin Ernst
Ernst Law GmbH
Lic. iur
Simon Urbach
Urbach Law
Lic.iur., LL.M.
Certified to practice law throughout Switzerland
Stavros Koutalas
Koutalas Law
Attorney at Law & Managing Partner
Certified to practice law in Greece, EU & Switzerland
Lukas Gabriel
THARPEX Treuhand- und Revisions AG
Dr. iur. Marcel Rochaix
Anwaltskanzlei Dr. iur. Rochaix
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt in der ganzen Schweiz
J.C Gil
J.C. Gil Rechtsanwälte
lic. iur
Mehmet Munar
Rechtsanwalt Mag. Mehmet Munar, LL.M.
Veap Elmazi
Heinz Nussbaum
Sanuba Steuerberatungs AG
Dipl. Steuerexperte, Buchhalter mit eidg. Fachausweis
Fabian Steinmann
Martina Schmid
Berthold Langbein
Attorney at Law & Managing Partner
Certified to practice law in Deutschland & EU
Robert A. Häberli
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt in der ganzen Schweiz
Karl Betschart
THARPEX Treuhand- und Revisions AG
Christian Habegger
Barbier Habegger Rödl Rechtsanwälte AG
Pius Schumacher
Schumacher Advokatur & Notariat GmbH
lic. iur | Rechtsanwalt | Notar
Amelie Hoffmann
Urbach Law
Master of Law UZH
Dina Peterhans
Urbach Law
Master of Law UZH
Roland Bruhin
Peter Krepper
Krepper Spring Partner
Hansjürg Christoffel
Claudia Steiger
Krepper Spring Partner
Adrian Zürcher
Gewerbetreuhand AG
Manuela Erni
THARPEX Treuhand- und Revisions AG
Simon Bloch
HAEFLIGER BLOCH Rechtsanwälte und Notariat
Susan Diebold Rupp
Krepper Spring Partner
Marcel Landolt
Knus | Gnädiger | Landolt Rechtsanwälte
Natalie Buchter
Mueller Legal
Master of Law
Raphael Spring
Krepper Spring Partner
Linda Zurkinden-Erismann
Thierry Braunschweig
Berner Anwälte
Panayiotis Korakovounis
Koutalas Law
Attorney at Law
Garbrielle Perregaux
Krepper Spring Partner
Martin Grab
Advokatur & Notariat
Laila Marilena Caspar
advokatur Kümin
Aline Studer
Barbier Habegger Rödl Rechtsanwälte AG
Tobias Morandi
Morandi Schnider Rechtsanwälte AG
Ivan Jabbour
Anwaltskanzlei Ivan Jabbour
lic. iur., Rechtsanwalt
Ilia Flampoura-Nietou
Koutalas Law
Attorney at Law
Thomas Brumann
Gunther Kurziu
FZF Kanzlei
Andreas Eickhoff
HEE Rechtsanwälte
Daniel Justus
R Rechtsanwälte
Christoph Eggert
HEE Rechtsanwälte
Norbert Paul Hache
HEE Rechtsanwälte
Andreas Hantschel
FZF Kanzlei
Annika Seidler
FZF Kanzlei
Julia Gleim
R Rechtsanwälte
Clemens Ditges
Anwaltskanzlei Ivan Jabbour
Françoise Berton
Berton associes
Miriam Benz
Berton associes
Anders Foss
Kristine Haukedal
Fredrik Reinsborg
All in one
Whatever your legal challenge is, our independent Experts offer advice to turn even complex situations into a positive outcome. Our independent Experts serve private individuals and companies of any size across various industries all over the world.
In-depth understanding of your challenges
The diversity of our independent Experts empowered by advanced technology will ensure we swiftly understand your legal challenges and counsel you towards the best, most innovative solutions.
Lawyers tailored to your needs
We connect you to the lawyers with the perfect combination of skills and experiences to best meet yor needs.
Creating added value for you
We support our independent Experts throughout the assignment with state-of-the-art technology so that their focus lies on your task. This saves time, reduces costs, and increases accuracy and security - thereby creating added value.
Providing impactful results
We provide you with impactful legal solutions that are commensurate both with your business needs as well as market strategy.
360° Legal services
Our skilled interdisciplinary Experts offer comprehensive legal advice for private individuals and companies of any size accross various industries.
Key Service Offerings
Lawyers in different locations and cities with diverse practice areas.
News & Insights
Fairmed Healthcare AG, Swiss generics company based in Zug, raises senior secured loan from Duke Royalty Limited
Per 1. Januar 2021 gilt das LugÜ für das Vereinigte Königreich nicht mehr. Was sind die Auswirkungen für die Regelung der Zuständigkeit, der Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Urteilen?
Bei der Prüfung von Vollmachten kann aufgrund der aktuellen Lage auf die amtliche Beglaubigung von Unterschriften vorerst verzichtet werden.
Urbach Optik AG, Swiss company based in Dübendorf, one of the largest online retailers for contact lenses in Europe is sold to Vision Group AG
Has your company received short-time work compensation for employees in connection with Covid-19? The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is now reviewing the legality of short-time working compensation for individual companies and will revise if working time controls are inadequate.
Wie kann man sich am besten gegen eine Falschbewertung zur Wehr setzen?
Anpassungen bei der Überschuldungsanzeige und Nachlassstundung, neue COVID-19-Stundung.
The Federal Council has ordered a legal standstill and a standstill of deadlines as well as restrictions on negotiations due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
On 20 March 2020, the Federal Council adopted a comprehensive coronavirus package of measures to cushion the economic consequences.
Bei Leistungsstörungen aufgrund des Coronavirus stellen sich verschiedene rechtliche Fragen, insbesondere ob dies ein Fall von Force Majeure ist.
The current spread of the coronavirus poses challenges for both employers and employees. In particular, whether an employer is violating its duty of care if it continues to send employees on business trips.
Die neue Verkehrserschliessungsverordnung (VErV) definiert die technischen Anforderungen, um Zufahrten zu Grundstücken hinreichend und sicher auszugestalten. Zusätzlich regelt sie unter dem Aspekt der Verkehrssicherheit die zulässigen Grundstücknutzungen an sämtlichen Strassen und die Abstandsvorschriften von Mauern, Einfriedigungen und Pflanzen.
Will bearer shares be abolished for Swiss stock corporations? Yes, at its meeting on 27 September 2019 the Federal Council decided to enact the Federal Act on the Implementation of Recommendations of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes on 1 November 2019.
Swiss based Fairmed Healthcare, a company with a portfolio of high-quality generic products, announced that it sold a majority stake to Strides Pharma Science Limited.
Regulatorische Entwicklungen – Mehrwertsteuer
A majority of companies in Switzerland process a vast amount of personal data on a daily basis. Much of the data is confidential or even sensitive personal data. The GDPR aims to empower individuals with regard to controlling the use of their personal data and to harmonize the patchwork of national data legislation across the EU to lay the foundation for a single, thriving digital market.\n\nA particular feature of the GDPR is its extraterritorial reach, which is stipulated in Art. 3 GDPR. Besides applying to companies established in the EU, the regulation also applies to companies not established in the EU to the extent that their goods or services target EU data subjects or in case of monitoring the behavior of EU citizens. It is important to understand that the GDPR focuses on all data subjects. Hence, not only might your customers be data subjects, but all natural persons whose personal data your organization processes are within the scope of the regulation, even employees.\n\nThe GDPR becomes effective on 25 May 2018. It gives the National EU authorities tasked with the protection of data and privacy and monitoring and enforcement of the data protection regulations ('DPA') the rights to impose administrative fines which can amount to a maximum of EUR 20 million or 4 per cent of the global annual turnover of a company – whichever is higher.
Digital transformation has become imperative for all businesses, regardless of their seize. Be it automation, logistics, software, retail or medical — digital disruptions are omnipresent. To stay relevant in the business you will certainly embark on a digital transformation journey. For this you might engage software or hardware providers. You will need IT and legal experts to ensure maximum value for your investment.
On 21 March 2018, the Swiss Federal Council published the revised bill together with the dispatch on the Tax Proposal 17 for parliamentary discussion.The previous Corporate Tax Reform III was intended to abolish certain tax privileges while at the same time strengthening Switzerland’s tax competitiveness.